First in our approach with a Google Ads Suspension is that we believe everyone deserves a second chance. Sadly, this is not always the case when it comes to Google. With 10 years experience behind us we are experts in dealing with any questions or issues that may arise during your appeal. We know how to respond to and what they are looking for.
Believe this, they want to reinstate you if you were suspended in error. Whether you were suspended with just cause or not, something triggered the review. It is now your job to prove you are not at fault and you are worthy of a second chance. All we ask in that you give us full and honest disclosure.
Our Suspension lead has worked with Google policy for almost ten years. This is the kind of experience needed because it is almost impossible to have a notable amount of knowledge relating to policy unless you have an extensive hands on background. You need to know what is or is not allowed not only with Google Ads but on your site as well. As an ex-contractor for Google for over 8 years, our lead can spot your violation with a great amount of certainty in a minimal amount of time.
1. Initial Consultation to listen to the issues or troubles you are experiencing.
2. We examine your AdWords and your site to pinpoint every violation and error on each. The goal is to get them all on the first shot, so please tell us everything.
3. We provide you with detailed instructions on how and what to fix and/or edit on both your site and in AdWords.
4. We then apply for reinstatement or an appeal, directly through the policy team.
5. If approved, we then deliver some solid advice on how to stay active. If not approved, we have missed something and we go back to step 2 and start over again.
6. Our Favorite, we keep in touch. We ask that you continue to call us whenever you have a question moving forward to maintain your good standing again Please, keep in contact and call us with any questions at all.